About Me: Ephemeral – Eternal Explorations

‘Darjeeling Girl’, ‘Iron Butterfly’, ‘Tea-Maker’, ‘Hobbit’, ‘Process Painter’, ‘Life Artist’, ‘Facilitator’, ‘Intentional Conversationalist’, ‘Management Consultant’, ‘ENFJ’, ‘Ms FIRO B’, ‘Periodic Poet’, ‘Writer’, ‘Psycho-logist and Coach’, ‘Social Worker’, ‘True Teacher’, ‘Daring Designer’, ‘Explorer’, ‘Cross-cultural curator’, ‘Scuba Diver’, ‘Sky Diver’, ‘Curious Cat’, ‘Guitar player without a guitar’, ‘Cheerful Volunteer’, ‘Marathoner’, ‘Motivator’, ‘Chilli-padang’, ‘Little One’, ‘Jane-of-many-trades-and-master-of-the-heart’, ‘Disciplined Undisciplinary’, ‘Zen’, ‘Dahlia’, ‘Shortie’, ‘Crazy,Positive One’, ‘Annoying One’,  ‘Cleanliness freak’, ‘Friend’, ‘Daughter’, ‘Grand-daughter’, ‘Sister’, ‘Aunt’, ‘Soulmate’, ‘Natasha ~ Nuts’

And yet all these are but mere attempts to describe me and the words of my old and new friends, (you should notice, I have primarily shared the positive ones. Pick the flowers or pick the weeds. Trust me, there is a Pandora’s bag of other descriptions from the other spectrum and are they colourful! Yes, I have lovely, diverse friends. But ofcourse, I only identify with the positive descriptors (cheeky smile).

The eternal game of identity vis-à-vis interpretation.

The ever-lasting search of meaning of life – ephemeral and eternal

What are some of your layers that attempts to describe you and that you identify with?  Who are you? Or, the omnipresent interview favourite question – Tell me about yourself.

I believe the subject of the ‘Self’ by itself is core for life-long learning. It is a different prerogative if people choose not to learn and just live. Add the condiments of ‘Others’, ‘Families’, ‘Businesses’, ‘Societies’, ‘Systems’ to the ‘Self’ and the subject is container enough for many-lives-long-learnings. (If you believe in past lives, you may interpret many-lives differently from some one who does not believe in it. Another interpretation of many-lives may be just many-different-lives coming together in this life to make sense out of it all. And yet, there is a possibility of yet another interpretation, this is not exhaustive.)


That’s the question. For Me. Hence, olifesparks. Even the name itself is subject to interpretation – my salute to diversity.

OLIFESPARKS  is an attempt to honour perspectives, people, places, musings and ofcourse life itself.

O-LIFE-SPARKS is a space to celebrate thoughts, capture moments that makes life worth living for and add a spark.

O-LIFES-PARKS is a space much like a car-park or a play-park to respect the process of life, the growth, the journey itself.

I invite you to participate in this journey with me.

The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet.

And whither then? I cannot say.

(My Inspiration: Professor Tolkiens, Lord of the Rings)

~ Natasha Dalmia

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